A Reflection from Our Executive Director: Standing Strong for Immigrants in Texas

It’s impossible to ignore the pressing difficulties immigrant communities across Texas may now face. As anti-immigrant discourse grows louder and policies calling for mass deportations loom, the Texas Immigration Law Council stands firm in its commitment to advocate for the rights and well-being of immigrants and refugees. Texas is made stronger by its immigrant communities—individuals who drive our economy, enrich our culture, and embody the resilience and work ethic that define our state’s spirit. 

Defending the dignity of those who are targeted or marginalized has never been more essential. We know that real, lasting change happens through collaboration, which is why we work with both traditional and non-traditional allies: business leaders, faith communities, legal experts, and grassroots groups all united in the pursuit of practical, compassionate immigration reforms for Texas. By uplifting the voices of those impacted and building these vital alliances, we are committed to driving policies that are fair, just, and inclusive values that keep Texas strong. 

One way we are advocating for immigrant wellbeing is through our newly launched Economic Justice Initiative, a dynamic testing ground to test bold approaches to increase equity, enhance the accessibility of legal information and services, and ultimately to close the justice gap in Texas. (click here to see and share our fellowship postings when they get released later this week). 

As we move forward, our dedication to immigrant communities remains steadfast. Together, we will continue working toward a Texas where everyone has the chance to thrive, no matter where they come from. 


—Anne Chandler, Executive Director, Texas Immigration Law Council 

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